In the lowest of the clouds were gods in human form assembling. Their skin was ivory, their cheeks and lips a rosy red. They were all dressed in silk of every colour, and limbs garnished with precious stones. A BABY ANGEL was playing MELODIOUS MUSIC with his harp, and so some were clapping lightly. The largest MAN with the most muscular build was on top of the highest peak of clouds beside the table. He wore a crown of golden leaves on his head.
The congregation was looking up to him. From his mouth flowed red wine falling down the mountain of clouds like a stream. A bird, with its wing clipped, fell to the side of the small stream. It crept up to the stream of wine and drank from it.
Instantly, its wing was renewed and the bird turned golden. Its eyes were Safire and its tail sparkled in the sun with minuscule diamonds. It flew away chirping happily. The eyes of the gods that were gathered grew wide and lustful. They clambered up one another to reach the stream. Some were left crippled at the base of the clouds. They watched in horror as the others that made it to the stream cupped their hands to drink and turned to marble.
The healing wine turned well people into stone and sick into riches and treasures. An innocent CHILD ran up to the table and fetched the goblet. He dipped it into the stream of wine and fed it to the wounded and crippled. They walked once more and were terribly remorseful. They bowed low to the large man. There was a crack of loud THUNDER and the healing river of wine stopped flowing. What was once a gift was now turned into a reason for maddening greed and battles amongst friends.

1 comment:
this was originaly a screenplay assignment i had done. i edited it to make it into literature. one and the other are two very separate beings...
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