Sunday, May 3, 2009

an old poem i found

I wanted to fit myself into a box. a tiny box. but as time passed, that box grew a little. it changed color and grew some more. i grew along with it, but only enough to fill its space. then i, with my tears of pain and longing, saw through a tiny hole the destiny within. i saw God calling out to me. beconing me. "young child, come out. it is much nicer out here. it is cooler and softer. the winds will blow your ruffled hair upright once more and cheer your spirits. you can grow some more out here. come out my beautiful child." and so i streatched my arms that have gotten so long since i couldnt remember. i streatched my long legs that have become so strong that i remembered how it was to run again. i uncurled my arched back and the box blew away. i was surrounded with color, much more than the box could offer. and my vision that was once limited was vast and clear, seing only truth. a glowing fire sparked inside me and i was warmed. this is love. "this is love father." i turned to my right "this is love father" i turned to my left. "this is love!" i threw my arms up to the blue heavens and made myself heard.
i yearn to go beyond anyone's standards! i want to go beyond my own! to reach the stars and burn there in sweet glory. i am only human. with flaw and fault. with weakness and streangth. i am a sinner but i purge myself naked in front of god pleading with him to save my damned soul. and in result, sweet poetry flows out of me like the natural springs. i am human again indeed. natural in all my truth and ways. no heavy jewels bearing me down. no clothes to limit my flow of movement. and best of all, no malice. for malice coaxes guilt, and guilt coaxes sin. sin coaxes the devil and he is the usher into damnation. i do not want a saved seat.
i wish to fly. but since i am no bird that is capable of soaring high in the alabaster skies, i will jump my highest. i cannot avoid my destiny, being a proud Greek. i will pace myself then jump my very highest as to reach the Gods. as to reach greatness. to fill tho mouthes of people with my name. to be written in books and carved in stone. to be immortalized. to be loved.
no man can love then leave....
a man that inspires change is one trully worth changing for--sophia castaneda
therefore i need to change first before i begin to inspire you my love...we shall talk about this

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